Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Medical Technology

Medical technicians are highly sought-after specialists in hospitals, IT, and a wide range of industries and laboratories. Ultra-sensitive medical devices and systems (ultrasound and X-ray equipment, monitoring systems, laboratory diagnostic equipment) contribute a solid foundation for the provision of medical care.
Medical technicians are responsible for the development, production, training, procurement, operation, and maintenance of medical devices. Training programmes prepare students to master a wide range of specialist, project, and leadership responsibilities.
Swiss Medtech, together with Swissmem, Swissmechanic, SVFB Schweizerischer Verband Flugtechnischer Betriebe and the Konferenz der höheren Fachschulen Technik KHF-T, is the body responsible for the framework curriculum for the Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Medical Technology.
Training profile
Training course
The «Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Medical Technology» (Dipl. Medizintechniker/in HF) programme – combining technology, human beings, and medicine – is offered over seven semesters (six training semesters and one diploma semester) at the University of Applied Sciences for Medical Technology (HF Medizintechnik) in Sarnen. Course language is German.
Target group
The course programme is designed for professionals who have completed basic technical training (Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency) in the electrical, mechanical, or metal industries, and wish to specialise in the field of medical technology, and assume managerial positions. Also welcome are individuals with health sector education (intensive care, anaesthesia, X-ray, lab work) who are experienced practitioners wanting to switch to the technical field of medical technology through targeted further training.
Admission requirements
Candidates must hold a federal certificate of proficiency in a technical field, or a Matura certificate with a recognised internship; as well as work experience in (or related to) the field of medical technology.
Qualification and title
Successful completion of the course entitles the holder to use the title «Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Medical Technology», which is also recognised by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
Höhere Fachschule Medizintechnik Sarnen
Eva Maria Amstutz
Schulleiterin Höhere Fachschule Medizintechnik Sarnen
+41 41 631 08 20
Begins: 10.10.2024
Website (in German)Brochure (in German)Flyer – 04.-05.04.2024 (in German)Flyer – 10.10.2024 (in German)
Bildungszentrum für Technik
Simon Tunzini
Lehrgangsleiter HF Systemtechnik Medizintechnik
058 345 65 03E-Mail
Begins: 12 August 2025Website (in German)