Swiss Medtech represents medtech sector interests – communicating with politicians, official administrations, the media, and the general public – through focused campaigns and other relevant projects.   

September 2022 

Energy is scarce. Let's not waste it.

As member of the Energy Saving Alliance, Swiss Medtech is actively involved in the federal govern-ment's «Energy is scarce. Let's not waste it» campaign. Gas and electricity shortages will be very challenging for the economy and the general population this winter 2022/2023. To counteract the potential crisis, the Federal Council has plans to rapidly boost the security of energy supply in Switzerland. One measure is the «Energy is scarce. Let's not waste it» campaign. Swiss Medtech has joined the Energy Saving Alliance and is committed to raising aware-ness for the initiative among its over 700 members. Companies can find further information and a toolkit - including energy-saving tips and templates for internal communication - on the campaign website. 

Anita Holler

Member of the Executive Board

Head of Communication

+41 31 330 97 72


Claudia Guldimann

Project Manager


+41 31 330 97 78


May 2022 

I would love…  

In 2021, the Swiss Medtech Board of Directors collaborated with the Executive Board to initiate and develop a longer-term strategy titled «Medtech in Switzerland 2030». The report, published on 17 May 2022, includes a series of representative «I would love ...» campaign visuals which were created as part of the project. After all, medical products are associated with the desire to live a fulfilled life, free of impairments. The chance to improve people's quality of life is the best motivation to help the medtech industry achieve its goals.

December 2021 (German only)

Wir müssen über Europa reden – jetzt!

Als Mitglied der Allianz stark+vernetzt engagierte sich Swiss Medtech in der Kampagne «Wir müssen über Europa reden – jetzt!». In den unterschiedlichsten Lebensbereichen machen sich die negative Folgen des gescheiterten Rahmenabkommens bemerkbar. Der Bundesrat ist gefordert, eine nachhaltige Lösung mit der Europäischen Union (EU) zu finden. Dies fordern Stimmen aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Kultur.

Zu den Statements


July 2020

«No» to the radical termination initiative

Swiss Medtech actively campaigned against the «For moderate immigration (limitation initiative)» with a tailored medtech-specific «No» campaign. The proposal was strongly rejected by the Swiss electorate on 27 September 2020, with over 60 percent voting against the proposed legislation.

To the campaign webpag (en allemand)


March 2020

Medtech against Coronavirus 

Swiss Medtech launched the «Medtech - together against Corona virus» campaign at the end of March 2020. The aim was to position a united medtech industry in the fight against the corona virus. MedTechEurope, the Medtech associations’ umbrella organization, as well as many individual companies in Germany and abroad quickly joined the campaign.