National Regulatory Conference 2025

Everything you need to know about present and future regulations

The National Regulatory Conference will shed a light on all regulatory aspects that will affect the medtech industry today and in the near future. Aside from the matters around MDR/IVDR and the Swiss MdeDO/IvDO, it will also deal with the use of digital applications and the reporting of sustainability topics.

A plenary session will show in a concise overview what everybody needs to know about medical device regulation, health data, sustainability and corporate governance. Following that, plenty of time is reserved for breakout sessions where the individual topics will be addressed in depth.

The event language is English. The registration platform opens in January 2025.

National Regulatory Conference
15 October 2025

BERNEXPO Festhalle
Mingerstrasse 6, 3014 Bern


The following elements are included in the ticket price:

  • Conference ticket incl. refreshments
  • Access to list of participants and presentation documents
  • Certificate of attendance


Anker The registration platform opens in January 2025.


Dr. Daniel Delfosse

Vice Director

Head of Regulation & Innovation

+41 31 330 97 74


Bettina Knellwolf

Project Manager


+41 31 330 97 77
