Elections to the Swiss Medtech Board
Due to the previously announced resignation of long-standing Board members, replacement elections will be held at the General Meetings in 2024 and 2025; followed by full renewal elections in 2026. We would like to inform our members about criteria for composition of the Board, the competency profile for Board members, as well as general election procedures.
Replacement Elections on 23 May 2024
During the General Meeting on 23 May 2024, the Board will recommend Councillor of States Damian Müller to be elected as successor for retiring President Dr. Beat Vonlanthen.
In addition, the Board is specifically looking for two female medtech entrepreneurs, one from French-speaking Switzerland, who fit the election criteria and fulfill the competence profile. This is in view of the fact that women are extremely under-represented on the Board (1:9) and French-speaking Switzerland is not yet represented at all.
Candidaturesmay be submitted to Managing Director Peter Biedermann by the deadline 17 November 2023(CV and letter of motivation). The Board will recommend two candidates at the General Meeting in accordance with election procedure. Regardless of the above process, all candidates are free to stand for election at the General Meeting on 23 May 2024, provided they meet the submission deadline.
Criteria for Composition of the Board of Directors
- Medtech companies: both traditional and start-up companies
- Categories: all member categories (manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, service providers)
- Swiss language regions: German-speaking, French-speaking, Italian-speaking
- Male/Female members: minimum 1/3 women by 2026; equal representation in the longer term
Competency Profile of Board Members
- President: is a member of the national parliament
- Board Member: works for a member company; possesses leadership characteristics; supports the association’s Medtech in Switzerland 2030 strategic goals and brings corresponding know-how to the Board; is actively committed to the further development of the association in this direction; represents Swiss Medtech internally and externally; actively contributes to Board meetings; has appropriate time available; is familiar with the other official languages
Procedura di elezione
- Contact: Peter Biedermann, Managing Director
- Deadline for candidacy: 17 November 2023
- Election Committee: current and designated President, Vice President, Personnel Committee (two to three Board members) and Managing Director
- Procedure: The Elections Committee reviews all candidacies received, conducts hearings as required, and agrees on a proposed list of candidates for the attention of the entire Board of Directors. The entire Board decides which candidates to recommend at the General Meeting. Irrespective of the Board of Directors’ election recommendations, all candidates are free to stand for election at the General Meeting, provided they observe the submission deadline.